Questions you need to Ask Your Craniosacral Massage Therapist

Getting a massage is ideal for a person. However, people can incur their full potential if they know better about their massage therapy.

If you are getting a craniosacral massage, you must know its details. This massage therapy type utilizes a gentle hands-on approach to manipulate and release tension in the sacrum, spinal column, and head bone.

You must ask RMT in New Westminster, BC about craniosacral massage to ensure you get its full benefit and are well-prepared for the therapy.

Here are the questions you can ask your therapist about your therapy.

1- Q1. How does craniosacral therapy work?

To alleviate the stress points in your body's bones, mostly the head, spinal, and sacrum, your therapist will utilise craniosacral massage therapy (CMT) to align the flow and release tense areas. Inquire your RMT New Westminster, and they will direct your therapy properly.

2- Q2. What conditions are treated by Craniosacral therapy?

The conditions treated by CMT are related to the craniosacral system.

These conditions include examples like:

Migraines and Headaches

Brain & Spinal cord injuries

Concussions & Traumatic brain

3- Q3. How many Craniosacral sessions are needed?

One single session ranges from 45 minutes to an hour. As each individual responds to CST differently, the number of sessions needed will differ from person to person. Ask your RMT New Westminster to determine how many sessions you will require.

Wrapping it up

These are the questions you must ask your therapist for the optimal result of your therapy. For RMT in New Westminster, Royal City Health & Manual Therapy provides the best therapy services. We have professionally trained therapists for you who administer your

therapy by considering your medical conditions.

For more details about Shockwave Therapy in New Westminster please visit our website:


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